Ep 87 – Why come in at the last minute with a parasite?

Season 62, Episodes 23-27, Spoiler Level MS (Medium Spoilers)

Lucky can’t be a donor for Lulu, Dante has a dilemma, Martin has a personality again, and Jason thinks Sonny is more important than him. In Fashion First Stacy and Kathy completely disagree about Carly’s dress – someone tell us what you think…PLEASE. And in Musings they chat about Lucas and Ava’s catch up sesh in GH, how Portia is a perpetubitch to Brad, and many, many other things.

Thank you for listening to our General Hospital podcast. If you enjoyed it, please subscribe and tell your friends. Drop us a review. And let us know your own musings and theories and fashion notes. Reach Stacy at Alexis@areweghing.com and Kathy at Felicia@areweghing.com. For more information, please visit us at www.areweghing.com

Recorded 10-12-24, Music by Grammy award winning Alex Robinson https://www.musicbyalexrobinson.com/ and logo by the equally as amazing Jakob Evans.

Ep 86: Ava extends Portia a lifeline for Trina’s sake

Season 62, Episodes 20-22, Spoiler Level NBD (No Big Deal Spoilers)

Nothing really happened so Stacy and Kathy make the best of it by celebrating the faux happenings. Stacy tells us what she really thinks about Portia, Kathy wants Violet and Brook Lynn to bond over their shared approaches to life, Stacy is not so sure about Lucky and Liz, and Kathy waxes poetic (probably for too long) about how Lucas’ return may help Carly’s character. In Fashion First they discuss the awful thing Ava was wearing. And in Musings they chat about the serious lack of good emotional payoffs. Less bad. More good. PLEASE.

Thank you for listening to our General Hospital podcast. If you enjoyed it, please subscribe and tell your friends. Drop us a review. And let us know your own musings and theories and fashion notes. Reach Stacy at Alexis@areweghing.com and Kathy at Felicia@areweghing.com. For more information, please visit us at www.areweghing.com

Recorded 10-6-24, Music by Grammy award winning Alex Robinson https://www.musicbyalexrobinson.com/ and logo by the equally as amazing Jakob Evans.

Ep 85: The kiss that saved them all…and Lucky is rescued…but the KISS!

Season 62, Episodes 15-19, Spoiler Level CFS (Crazy ** Spoilers)

Lucky is rescued in fine fashion and Jason and Anna kiss (Kathy goes wild with joy). Ned learns about Willow and is Drew the worst paddle boarder ever? Tracy apologizes to Cody and Sasha and Sonny should probably go to prison. In Fashion First they discuss what sleeves are called and why Stacy loves cargo pants so much (link on our website to the cargo pants in this weeks’ episodes). And in Musings they chat about Lucky coming home to see Liz, casting and camera angles, Portia, Brennan, and the lack of an accent in Martin. At the end we ask a question – Jordan and Isiah – yay or nay?

Thank you for listening to our General Hospital podcast. If you enjoyed it, please subscribe and tell your friends. Drop us a review. And let us know your own musings and theories and fashion notes. Reach Stacy at Alexis@areweghing.com and Kathy at Felicia@areweghing.com. For more information, please visit us at www.areweghing.com

Recorded 9-28-24, Music by Grammy award winning Alex Robinson https://www.musicbyalexrobinson.com/ and logo by the equally as amazing Jakob Evans.

Ep 84: Jason and Anna channel their inner James Bond

Season 62, Episodes 10-14, Spoiler Level NBD (No Big Deal Spoilers)

Jason and Anna are hot James Bond agents, Alexis is remanded to Pentonville, Ric discovers the phony lab results, and Drew makes Curtis CEO of Aurora. In Fashion First they discuss Ava’s sexy sunshine dress and Anna’s fuchsia sparkles. And in Musings they chat about how much they want Isiah to stay on as a character, how they feel about Lois and Martin losing their accents, whatever that argument between Michael and Ned was about, and how great the conversation was between Felicia and Kristina.

Thank you for listening to our General Hospital podcast. If you enjoyed it, please subscribe and tell your friends. Drop us a review. And let us know your own musings and theories and fashion notes. Reach Stacy at Alexis@areweghing.com and Kathy at Felicia@areweghing.com. For more information, please visit us at www.areweghing.com

Recorded 9-21-24, Music by Grammy award winning Alex Robinson https://www.musicbyalexrobinson.com/ and logo by the equally as amazing Jakob Evans.

Ep 83: Tracy Lashes Out, Hiding Her Gooey Center and Alexis is Thrown Under the Murder Bus

Season 62, Episodes 5-9, Spoiler Level Medium

Sidwell and Lucky continue their confusing, high-stakes poker games and have to move the camp, making Lucky’s rescue more difficult. Tracy lashes out to combat her insecurity and vulnerability. Sonny and Alexis are the only people in Port Charles actually communicating. AND… Anna and Jason are stuck on a plane for 18 hours and 52 minutes. POTENTIAL PAIRING!!!  Guest host and stuntman Eric Ford joins Stacy this week and gives us some insight into how the fight scenes are coordinated as Kathy continues her European adventure.

Thank you for listening to our General Hospital podcast. If you enjoyed it, please subscribe and tell your friends. Drop us a review. And let us know your own musings and theories and fashion notes. Reach Stacy at Alexis@areweghing.com and Kathy at Felicia@areweghing.com. For more information, please visit us at www.areweghing.com

Recorded 9-15-24, Music by Grammy award winning Alex Robinson https://www.musicbyalexrobinson.com/ and logo by the equally as amazing Jakob Evans.

Ep 82: Tracy’s Bed Needs an Exorcism and Ace is a Devil Baby

Season 62, Episodes 1-4, Spoiler Level CFS (Crazy ** Spoilers)

Sonny’s murder alibi causes major fallout but this will likely lend itself to Kathy’s fantasy of Sonny and Carly getting back together. Does Jordan live at GH now? And why does she change her clothes more than any other character? Alexis makes Kristina’s sitch much worse by not treating her as a capable adult. Where is the communication people? Will Lois’s SNL dialect coach change more than her accent? Tracy’s dramatics include nausea over those degenerates in her bed and comparing sweet Ace to Satan – and she says she’s a lot of things but dramatic is not one of them? Oh Tracy… In Ned’s words, “Hoisted by your own petard.” Guest host Eric Ford joins Stacy this week as Kathy lives her European adventure.

Thank you for listening to our General Hospital podcast. If you enjoyed it, please subscribe and tell your friends. Drop us a review. And let us know your own musings and theories and fashion notes. Reach Stacy at Alexis@areweghing.com and Kathy at Felicia@areweghing.com. For more information, please visit us at www.areweghing.com

Recorded 9-8-24, Music by Grammy award winning Alex Robinson https://www.musicbyalexrobinson.com/ and logo by the equally as amazing Jakob Evans.

Ep 81: Sonny goes DARK while Ava is being taken out with silly shiny shoes

Season 61, Episodes 246-250, Spoiler Level CFS (Crazy ** Spoilers)

Sonny shoots Cates. Why oh why oh why? Ava’s in trouble…again. Lucky plays it cool with a game of poker (and the bad guy gets the dead man’s hand). And Willow and Drew keep it yucky by kissing in the same office that Drew had relations with Willow’s mother. In Fashion First we disagree about shoulder pads. And in Musings they chat about all things Lulu, how painful the scenes with Kristina and Cates were at the PCPD, Violet’s insecurity, and what in the world does Portia want with Heather’s blood (that is mostly Kathy that wants to know because she wasn’t really paying attention).

Thank you for listening to our General Hospital podcast. If you enjoyed it, please subscribe and tell your friends. Drop us a review. And let us know your own musings and theories and fashion notes. Reach Stacy at Alexis@areweghing.com and Kathy at Felicia@areweghing.com. For more information, please visit us at www.areweghing.com

Recorded 8-30-24, Music by Grammy award winning Alex Robinson https://www.musicbyalexrobinson.com/ and logo by the equally as amazing Jakob Evans.

Ep 80: Gah! Enough with the victim shaming…

Season 61, Episodes 236-245, Spoiler Level MS (Medium Spoilers)

Irene’s service was fraught with anger and misplaced blame. We didn’t enjoy it. Thankfully in the rest of the stories there were bright spots – like Mac and Cody finally becoming father and son, Lucky returning, and Lois doing a fabulous job on Hearth and Home. In Fashion First we loved Ava’s peacock blouse. And in Musings they chat about how Cates is unhinged, Ric returning and potentially lusting after Portia (this could also just be in Kathy’s head), Tracy and Violet’s tea party, and Willow’s decision to return to nursing.

Thank you for listening to our General Hospital podcast. If you enjoyed it, please subscribe and tell your friends. Drop us a review. And let us know your own musings and theories and fashion notes. Reach Stacy at Alexis@areweghing.com and Kathy at Felicia@areweghing.com. For more information, please visit us at www.areweghing.com

Recorded 8-24-24, Music by Grammy award winning Alex Robinson https://www.musicbyalexrobinson.com/ and logo by the equally as amazing Jakob Evans.

Ep 79: Sonny gets help and Kristina is her father’s daughter

Season 61, Episodes 231-235, Spoiler Level CFS (Crazy ** Spoilers)

Sonny faces Molly’s anger and it sends him into a deep spiral that ends in him seeking help from Kevin. Donna takes Sonny’s placebo meds and now everyone knows that Ava knew about the medicine issue. Scotty convinces Heather to sue. AND Kristina is her father’s daughter. In Fashion First….Nina’s choice of wardrobe was impressive. And in Musings they chat about Molly and TJ’s grief and several other things.

Thank you for listening to our General Hospital podcast. If you enjoyed it, please subscribe and tell your friends. Drop us a review. And let us know your own musings and theories and fashion notes. Reach Stacy at Alexis@areweghing.com and Kathy at Felicia@areweghing.com. For more information, please visit us at www.areweghing.com

Recorded 8-11-24, Music by Grammy award winning Alex Robinson https://www.musicbyalexrobinson.com/ and logo by the equally as amazing Jakob Evans.

Ep 78: Kristina Falls and Carly Walks

Season 61, Episodes 226-230, Spoiler Level CFS (Crazy ** Spoilers)

All charges are dropped against Carly and we don’t know who erased the tape, do you? Kristina fell three stories into a pool and Ava wants to paint her as the villain. Lois confronts Sonny about the record label funding. And TJ and Molly continue to be really hard to watch. Did you fast forward their scenes like we did? In Fashion First Stacy and Kathy are on the fence about Lois’ outfit. Let us know your thoughts. And in Musings they chat about the WSB offices, Ava’s chemistry with Cates and lots of other things.

Thank you for listening to our General Hospital podcast. If you enjoyed it, please subscribe and tell your friends. Drop us a review. And let us know your own musings and theories and fashion notes. Reach Stacy at Alexis@areweghing.com and Kathy at Felicia@areweghing.com. For more information, please visit us at www.areweghing.com

Recorded 8-2-24, Music by Grammy award winning Alex Robinson https://www.musicbyalexrobinson.com/ and logo by the equally as amazing Jakob Evans.