Ep 23: Season 60 Episodes 175-179 The love triangle no one wanted

Season 60, Episodes 175-179, Spoiler Level NBD (No Big Deal Spoilers)

Kathy and Stacy discuss the Curtis, Portia, Jordan love triangle no one wanted and Sonny’s proposal to Nina (UGH). In Fashion First, Diane’s own brilliance shown through her fantastic suit while no one in hair and wardrobe showed up to fix whatever sparkly sack Ava was wearing. And finally, in Musings they comment on the fabulous Davis sisters, theorize on Tracy’s end goal, and Stacy gets personal talking about the conversation Molly and TJ had.

Thank you for listening to our General Hospital podcast. If you enjoyed it, please subscribe and tell your friends. Drop us a review. And let us know your own musings and theories and fashion notes. Reach Stacy at Alexis@areweghing.com and Kathy at Felicia@areweghing.com. For more information, please visit us at www.areweghing.com

Recorded 5-27-23, Music by Alex Robinson https://www.musicbyalexrobinson.com/ and logo by Jakob Evans.