Ep 63: Jason, why are you working for Jagger…and Drew is a tool

Season 61, Episodes 129-133, Spoiler Level CFS (Crazy ** Spoilers)

Heather is being poisoned by her hip…and we wouldn’t have it any other way. Jason is working for Jagger for no reason we can fathom, and we need you to send us your conspiracy theories (email below). Marshall finds out his old doctor is a criminal. And Drew is a super awful human being (and Stacy is very passionate about how she feels regarding his behavior). In Fashion First Diane rules the week…again. And in Musings they chat about Sam’s vengeance, Diane inviting Alexis to be a partner, TJ’s bizarre worry about his baby being related to Sonny, Blaze and her mom, Joss and Dex, and Jake and Finn.

Thank you for listening to our General Hospital podcast. If you enjoyed it, please subscribe and tell your friends. Drop us a review. And let us know your own musings and theories and fashion notes. Reach Stacy at Alexis@areweghing.com and Kathy at Felicia@areweghing.com. For more information, please visit us at www.areweghing.com

Recorded 3-16-24, Music by Grammy award winning Alex Robinson https://www.musicbyalexrobinson.com/ and logo by the equally as amazing Jakob Evans.

Ep 62: JASON is back, people….and it is all so juicy.

Season 61, Episodes 124-128, Spoiler Level CFS (Crazy ** Spoilers) (But let’s face it, we all knew)

Jason stops Sonny from being killed, recognizes Dante, kills the man who shoots Dante, leaves before the cops get there, breaks into Carly’s house for a tearful reunion, and is now on the run from the cops. <INSERT THE SOUND OF A PERSON WHO NEVER EXERCISES BUT RAN A FEW YARDS….>. In Fashion First – there is no fashion first because it is the same day as last week and they’re all wearing the same clothes and some of them are bad. And in Musings they chat about how great Carly was with Danny, why Heather is an insane person, how great it is that Spinelli and Maxie are together again, and why Kathy really, really REALLY does not want Ava and Sonny to get together.

Thank you for listening to our General Hospital podcast. If you enjoyed it, please subscribe and tell your friends. Drop us a review. And let us know your own musings and theories and fashion notes. Reach Stacy at Alexis@areweghing.com and Kathy at Felicia@areweghing.com. For more information, please visit us at www.areweghing.com

Recorded 3-9-24, Music by Grammy award winning Alex Robinson https://www.musicbyalexrobinson.com/ and logo by the equally as amazing Jakob Evans.


Ep 61: Lila’s Wedding Dress

Season 61, Episodes 119-123, Spoiler Level MS (Medium Spoilers)

Tracy’s good intentions go awry, but in the end love and family wins. Maxie finds out Spinelli lied to her. Blaze and Kristina announce their relationship. And Sonny torments Jagger in a spectacular fashion. In Fashion First Ava wins the week with that amazing black floral silk shirt. And in Musings they chat about how amazing the conversations were this week (“She’s seven!), what might be going on with Danny, how Alexis is keeping Drew from moving on, and what Dex might come home to.

Thank you for listening to our General Hospital podcast. If you enjoyed it, please subscribe and tell your friends. Drop us a review. And let us know your own musings and theories and fashion notes. Reach Stacy at Alexis@areweghing.com and Kathy at Felicia@areweghing.com. For more information, please visit us at www.areweghing.com

Recorded 3-2-24, Music by Grammy award winning Alex Robinson https://www.musicbyalexrobinson.com/ and logo by the equally as amazing Jakob Evans.

Ep 60: Garden Shear Confessions

Season 61, Episodes 114-118, Spoiler Level MS (Medium Spoilers)

Cyrus and Heather have a confrontation in prison that is making all of Stacy’s dreams come true. Valentin buys the Invader to help Nina, but does she really need help? Sonny defines brooding and then garden shears a confession out of a man. And Carly resigns from Crimson after only one issue. In Potential Pairings Kathy asks who could be a match for Lois (if you have ideas, let us know). In Fashion First there are highs and lows. And in Musings they chat about Kristina’s upcoming conflict about the baby, Tracy’s character development, the kiss after karaoke, and Sam’s conversation with Danny on the pier.

Thank you for listening to our General Hospital podcast. If you enjoyed it, please subscribe and tell your friends. Drop us a review. And let us know your own musings and theories and fashion notes. Reach Stacy at Alexis@areweghing.com and Kathy at Felicia@areweghing.com. For more information, please visit us at www.areweghing.com

Recorded 2-24-24, Music by Grammy award winning Alex Robinson https://www.musicbyalexrobinson.com/ and logo by the equally as amazing Jakob Evans.

Ep 59: Goodbyes, Romping in Hay, and Revengining (as foreplay?)

Season 61, Episodes 104-113, Spoiler Level CFS (Crazy ** Spoilers)

Anna becomes police commissioner and it is freaking fabulous. Sonny nearly kills Dex. Lucy and Martin break up twice in one day. And Trina goes dark as a result of Spencer’s passing. Introducing a new section – Potential Pairings in which Stacy throws everyone a bizarre curveball. In Fashion First, Kathy has an out of body experience regarding an outfit. And in Musings they cover the details around the shooter storyline, Nik’s arrest, Gregory moving in with Finn, Valentine’s Day Hubba Hubba, and Nina and Drew’s revenge extravaganza.

Thank you for listening to our General Hospital podcast. If you enjoyed it, please subscribe and tell your friends. Drop us a review. And let us know your own musings and theories and fashion notes. Reach Stacy at Alexis@areweghing.com and Kathy at Felicia@areweghing.com. For more information, please visit us at www.areweghing.com

Recorded 2-4-24, Music by Grammy award winning Alex Robinson https://www.musicbyalexrobinson.com/ and logo by the equally as amazing Jakob Evans.

Ep 58: Esme goes bonkers, Jagger returns, and Finn’s trial concludes

Season 61, Episodes 99-103, Spoiler Level CFS (Crazy ** Spoilers)

Is this the end of Spencer and Esme? (um…..likely not) Kathy has a theory about who the shooter is and combines it with a romantic potential pairing theory. Adam stands up for himself and Finn’s trial comes to an end (because no one obeyed the rules). In Fashion First, Nina and Felicia win the week. And in Musings they cover all the make up sessions with Olivia, Lois, Carly, Michael and Drew, discuss whether Ava and Sonny are headed for the bedroom, and finally mention Nik’s return.

Thank you for listening to our General Hospital podcast. If you enjoyed it, please subscribe and tell your friends. Drop us a review. And let us know your own musings and theories and fashion notes. Reach Stacy at Alexis@areweghing.com and Kathy at Felicia@areweghing.com. For more information, please visit us at www.areweghing.com

Recorded 2-4-24, Music by Alex Robinson https://www.musicbyalexrobinson.com/ and logo by Jakob Evans.

Ep 57: Flirting and Revenging

Season 61, Episodes 94-98, Spoiler Level CFS (Crazy ** Spoilers)

Jordan and Brick? How do we feel about this? Heather wants Esme in prison so she can protect her, Scotty is not sexy, and drama at Finn’s trial make up the rest of the Happenings this week. In Fashion First there is so much disagreement between Stacy and Kathy – wow. And they can’t muse this week so instead they rant about the state of the PCPD, Nina and Valentin on a revenge spree, and why in the world does Molly not interact with TJ’s side of the family?!

Thank you for listening to our General Hospital podcast. If you enjoyed it, please subscribe and tell your friends. Drop us a review. And let us know your own musings and theories and fashion notes. Reach Stacy at Alexis@areweghing.com and Kathy at Felicia@areweghing.com. For more information, please visit us at www.areweghing.com

Recorded 1-27-24, Music by Alex Robinson https://www.musicbyalexrobinson.com/ and logo by Jakob Evans.

Ep 56: WTF Spencer?! Oh, and Nik’s resting distain face

Season 61, Episodes 89-93, Spoiler Level CFS (Crazy ** Spoilers)

WTF Spencer?! Why on earth give Ace to Nik?! Adam turns out to have the exact father we all dreaded him having. Drew fires Nina. And Jordan is whisked off to places unknown by unknown people. In Fashion First Nina’s dress takes the cake. And in Musings they chat about Drew and Anna’s conversation and Esme’s desperate confrontations as she seeks help.

Thank you for listening to our General Hospital podcast. If you enjoyed it, please subscribe and tell your friends. Drop us a review. And let us know your own musings and theories and fashion notes. Reach Stacy at Alexis@areweghing.com and Kathy at Felicia@areweghing.com. For more information, please visit us at www.areweghing.com

Recorded 1-20-24, Music by Alex Robinson https://www.musicbyalexrobinson.com/ and logo by Jakob Evans.

Ep 55: “Bobbie’s”

Season 61, Episodes 84-88, Spoiler Level MS (Medium Spoilers)

Bobbie’s beautiful send off. Did everyone else cry as much as we did when her angel turned out to be BJ? A bit of a somber episode this week, but we also discuss Sonny going ultra-dark with Dex, Spencer realizing Esme’s deception, and Curtis waking up from surgery. In Fashion First there is talk about funeral wear and hair. And in Musings they chat about Gregory and Alexis’ quick break-up, Nik showing up at Laura’s, and poor, poor Adam.

Thank you for listening to our General Hospital podcast. If you enjoyed it, please subscribe and tell your friends. Drop us a review. And let us know your own musings and theories and fashion notes. Reach Stacy at Alexis@areweghing.com and Kathy at Felicia@areweghing.com. For more information, please visit us at www.areweghing.com

Recorded 1-13-24, Music by Alex Robinson https://www.musicbyalexrobinson.com/ and logo by Jakob Evans.

Ep 54: Lois Lights a Match

Season 61, Episodes 76-83, Spoiler Level CFS (Crazy ** Spoilers)

Lois tells Sonny his family is lying to him. Esme meets up with her mom. Carly gets the terrible news about Bobbi. Nik is back and wants Ava to get back in bed with him. Sonny goes dark. AND Felicia comes clean with Cody about the second DNA test. These and other topics in this week’s episode. In Fashion First Olivia’s red cut out dress takes the stage (and Ava’s pink feathery monstrosity is discussed). And in Musings they chat about Alexis kissing Gregory, Tracy finding out about Lois and Scotty scheming, and much, much more.

Thank you for listening to our General Hospital podcast. If you enjoyed it, please subscribe and tell your friends. Drop us a review. And let us know your own musings and theories and fashion notes. Reach Stacy at Alexis@areweghing.com and Kathy at Felicia@areweghing.com. For more information, please visit us at www.areweghing.com

Recorded 1-6-24, Music by Alex Robinson https://www.musicbyalexrobinson.com/ and logo by Jakob Evans.