Tag Archives: General Hospital

Ep 10: Season 60 Episodes 116-120 Eileen faces off with a ghost

Season 60, Episodes 116-120, Spoiler Level MS (Medium Spoilers)

Stacy and Kathy discuss Liesl’s fury, Dante’s search for Nik on Spoon Island while Ava and Austin stand around looking awkward, Eileen’s spectacular encounter in the morgue, and the Davis sister’s brunch. In the Fashion First segment they spend a lot of time talking about shirts. And finally, in Musings, they chat about the budding romance between Diane and Robert, Alexis’ meddling in Gregory’s personal life, Dex cooking chicken for Sonny, Sasha and Brook Lynn discussing Chase at Kelly’s diner, Kathy’s issue with the sauna (but specifically about towels), and how awful it was to see Victor holding little Ace.

Thank you for listening to our General Hospital podcast. If you enjoyed it, please subscribe and tell your friends. And let us know your own musings and theories and fashion notes. Reach Stacy at Alexis@areweghing.com and Kathy at Felicia@areweghing.com. For more information, please visit us at www.areweghing.com

Recorded 3-5-23, Music by Alex Robinson https://www.musicbyalexrobinson.com/ and logo by Jakob Evans.

Ep 9: Season 60 Episodes 111-115 Showdown at Spoon Island

Season 60, Episodes 111-115, Spoiler Level CFS (Crazy ** Spoilers)

Stacy and Kathy discuss the Spoon Island showdown including the mind games, the revelations and what we hope is Ryan’s final threats to Ava and Felicia. In the Fashion First segment they cover leggings and ultra-long dress shirts. And finally, in Musings, they theorize on the coincidence of a Corinthos and Cassedine baby being born within a week of each other, Spencer and Trina’s first kiss, Taggert’s continued ability to say the right things, Esme’s memory loss, Nina and Sonny using threats to pave a way to Willow, Ava’s revelation to Spencer, Sasha taking control, and what on earth is going on with Nik’s body.

Thank you for listening to our General Hospital podcast. If you enjoyed it, please subscribe and tell your friends. And let us know your own musings and theories and fashion notes. Reach Stacy at Alexis@areweghing.com and Kathy at Felicia@areweghing.com. For more information, please visit us at www.areweghing.com

Recorded 2-26-23, Music by Alex Robinson https://www.musicbyalexrobinson.com/ and logo by Jakob Evans

Ep 8: Season 60 Episodes 106-110 Prison Break Out

Season 60, Episodes 106-110, Spoiler Level CFS (Crazy ** Spoilers)

Stacy and Kathy discuss the events which unfolded at the wedding of Portia and Curtis, Heather’s and Ryan’s long-anticipated prison break out, and why Dante and Sam finally locating Maggie the nanny led to some important revelations about Esme. In the Fashion First segment we learn that the color red won the week. And finally, in Musings, they discuss the brief call out to Brick, how their fireplace theory remains intact, deputy mayor Eileen’s continued haunting, how much they want a story line for Terry and Yuri, Carly bridging a gap for Liesl and Willow, the upcoming Quartermaine wedding, and the chaos that will surely unfold at Wyndemere next week.

Thank you for listening to our General Hospital podcast. If you enjoyed it, please subscribe and tell your friends. And let us know your own musings and theories and fashion notes. Reach Stacy at Alexis@areweghing.com and Kathy at Felicia@areweghing.com. For more information, please visit us at www.areweghing.com

Recorded 2-18-23, Music by Alex Robinson https://www.musicbyalexrobinson.com/ and logo by Jakob Evans

Ep 7: Season 60 Episodes101-105 Ava and Austin play hide the body

Season 60, Episodes 101-105, Spoiler Level CFS (Crazy ** Spoilers)

Stacy and Kathy discuss Nik going full evil and paying the price, Ava and Austin’s team up to hide the body, Willow’s tragic diagnosis, and the split second that was the rehearsal dinner for Portia and Curtis. In the Fashion First segment (newly introduced this week) they discuss what they loved and didn’t love about wardrobe choices. Then, in the Musings segment, they ponder the demise of Victor and Link, among many other questions. Will Chase risk his job again to save Blaze? Will Eileen’s haunting bring Kathy the joy she is looking for? Why is Liesl in every storyline? Why is Alexis insisting Gregory to work for the Invader? And how will Mason interfere with Ava’s and Austin’s plan to hide Nik?

Thank you for listening to our General Hospital podcast. If you enjoyed it, please subscribe and tell your friends. And let us know your own musings and theories and fashion notes. Reach Stacy at Alexis@areweghing.com and Kathy at Felicia@areweghing.com. For more information, please visit us at www.areweghing.com

Recorded 2-11-23, Music by Alex Robinson https://www.musicbyalexrobinson.com/ and logo by Jakob Evans

Ep 6: Season 60 Episodes 96-100 Spencer’s take down of his father

Season 60, Episodes 96-100, Spoiler Level MS (Medium Spoilers)

Stacy and Kathy discuss Stella’s dilemma (will Portia be the one to tell Curtis first?), Willow’s dance with death, and Spencer’s full on Cassadine move against his father. Then they wonder about the upcoming ‘bust out of prison’ scene with Heather, Ryan and their amnesia ridden daughter Esme, question whether we will meet Wanda (please oh please), Brad and Liesl’s goodbyes at Britt’s memorial, Nina’s moment with Willow, Charlotte’s future character arc, Maxie’s wise advice to Sasha about grief, and whether Chase will get his badge back by taking Link down.

Thank you for listening to our General Hospital podcast. If you enjoyed it, please subscribe and tell your friends. And let us know your own musings and theories and fashion notes. Reach Stacy at Alexis@areweghing.com and Kathy at Felicia@areweghing.com. For more information, please visit us at www.areweghing.com

Recorded 2-5-23, Music by Alex Robinson https://www.musicbyalexrobinson.com/ and logo by Jakob Evans

Ep 5: Season 60 Episodes 91-95 Lucy’s Rescue

General Hospital  Season 60, Episodes 91-95, Spoiler Level MS (Medium Spoilers)

Stacy and Kathy discuss the tragic after-breakup conversation between Cameron and Joss, the drama in the Paris catacombs (and the exuberant reunions afterward), and Willow’s continued health crisis (accompanied by Nina’s ramped up revenge plotting). Then they chat about Ava’s brewing confrontation with the Gatlins, Nik’s spiral to oblivion, Liz’s mom’s and whether she can be redeemed, Cody overhearing Gladys’ betrayal of Sasha, and what might happen with Sam and Dante while they are in London.

Thank you for listening to our General Hospital podcast. If you enjoyed it, please subscribe and tell your friends. And let us know your own musings and theories and fashion notes. Reach Stacy at Alexis@areweghing.com and Kathy at Felicia@areweghing.com. For more information, please visit us at www.areweghing.com

Recorded 1-28-23, Music by Alex Robinson https://www.musicbyalexrobinson.com/ and logo by Jakob Evans

Ep 4: Season 60 Episodes 86-90 Esme meets her mom

General Hospital  Season 60, Episodes 86-90, Spoiler Level NBD (No Big Deal)

Stacy and Kathy discuss Willow and the swirling crisis around her, Marshall’s grilling by Portia and Curtis, and Esme meeting her crazy momma. Then they delve into whether Victor is spread too thin on his blackmailing attempts, how much trouble Nik might be in, Anna and Valentin in Paris, Austin standing up for himself, Liesl’s vendetta part two, Cameron’s broken heart, and fashion notables of the week.

Thank you for listening to our General Hospital podcast. If you enjoyed it, please subscribe and tell your friends. And let us know your own musings and theories and fashion notes. Reach Stacy at Alexis@areweghing.com and Kathy at Felicia@areweghing.com. For more information, please visit us at www.areweghing.com

Recorded 1-22-23, Music by Alex Robinson https://www.musicbyalexrobinson.com/ and logo by Jakob Evans

Ep 3: Season 60 Episodes 81-85 Willow’s Fever Dream

General Hospital  Season 60, Episodes 81-85, Spoiler Level CFS (Crazy ** Spoilers)

Stacy and Kathy discuss Willow’s fever dream (or is it reality), how Carly finally comes clean, and Esme’s new lawyer. Then they dive into future romance couples, storylines they can’t wait for, and finish everything off with the good, bad, and the absolutely horrifying fashion choices of the week.

Thank you for listening to our General Hospital podcast. If you enjoyed it, please subscribe and tell your friends. And let us know your own musings and theories and fashion notes. Reach Stacy at Alexis@areweghing.com and Kathy at Felicia@areweghing.com. For more information, please visit us at www.areweghing.com

Recorded 1-17-23, Music by Alex Robinson https://www.musicbyalexrobinson.com/ and logo by Jakob Evans

Ep 2: Season 60 Episodes 76-80 Escape Plans

General Hospital  Season 60 – Episodes 76-80, Spoiler Level CFS (Crazy ** Spoilers)

Stacy and Kathy discuss Britt’s tragedy, Joss’ questionable decision-making, and Esme’s escape plan. Then they dive into why everyone seems to have secret conversations in public spaces, Heather’s next move, Carly’s conundrum, fashion choices of the week, and Liesl Obrecht’s true north.

Thank you for listening to our General Hospital podcast. If you enjoyed it, please subscribe and tell your friends. And let us know your own musings and theories and fashion notes. Reach Stacy at Alexis@areweghing.com and Kathy at Felicia@areweghing.com. For more information, please visit us at www.areweghing.com

Recorded 1-8-23, Music by Alex Robinson https://www.musicbyalexrobinson.com/ and logo by Jakob Evans

Ep 1: Season 60 Episodes 72-75 Britt throws a party

General Hospital Season 60 – Episodes 72-75, Spoiler Level NBD (No Big Deal)

In their first episode, Stacy and Kathy discuss Willow’s health crisis, Carly’s lies, the joy of Laura being in a room with her brothers, and Britt’s phenomenal birthday bash. Afterward they dive into Spencer’s character arc, theories about the Hook, Sonny running guns?, upcoming explosions, Gladys’ dark journey, and what the heck is going on with Nik.

Thank you for listening to our General Hospital podcast. If you enjoyed it, please subscribe and tell your friends. And let us know your own musings and theories and fashion notes. Reach Stacy at Alexis@areweghing.com and Kathy at Felicia@areweghing.com. We can’t wait to hear from you! For more information, please visit us at www.areweghing.com

Recorded 1-1-23, Music by Alex Robinson https://www.musicbyalexrobinson.com/ and logo by Jakob Evans